February 13, 2025

Gekyume Onfroy Bio, Birthday, Age, Mother, Death

Quick Facts of Onfroy Gekyume

  • Full Name: Onfroy Gekyume
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Country: United States
  • Father: Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy, known professionally as XXXTentacion
  • Birth Name: Onfroy Gekyume
  • Date of Birth: 26 January 2019
  • Nationality: American
  • Marital Status
  • Mother: Jenesis Sanchez

The US-born popular kid Gekyume Onfroy is known for being the son of late American rapper Xxxtentacion. Gekyume, who was born after his father’s death, is now raised by his mother,. His father Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy, known professionally as XXXTentacion, was shot and killed in an apparent robbery just outside RIVA Motorsports.

Gekyume was born a year after his father’s assassination and received instant fame as soon as he was born. Do you want to know more about the late American rapper’s son? When is his birthday? Here we have all the details on Gekyume Onfroy’s birth date, mother, father, age, and more.

Gekyume Onfroy Birthday; How old is he?

Onfroy Gekyume was born in Florida, United States, on 26 January 2019. In addition, he is 1 year 6 months old as of July 2020 and belongs to a mixed race. He was born seven months after his father’s death.

He is the son of the father, Jahseh Dwayne Onfory aka Xxxtentacion, and mother Jenesis Sanchez.

Gekyume Onfroy Parents Relationship

Boen in January 2019, Gekyume is 1 and a half years old as of 2020. His parents were not married but were in a living together relationship until his father’s death. They began dating each other in January 2017 and his mother was 2 months pregnant with him while his father was killed. Jenesis revealed the pregnancy shortly after XXXTentacion’s death in June.

Gekyume currently lives with his mother who often shares his photos on her Instagram and also makes Tiktok videos with him.

Legal Battle for the Custody of Gekyume

Gekyume was born 7 months after XXXTentacion’s death. His mother and grandmother announced the birth of the Rapper’s son. However, the late rapper’s mother and the mother of his baby have been locked in a legal battle for months over custody of little Gekyume Onfroy.

They came into a confidential mediated settlement in February. The rapper’s girlfriend sued for paternity early last year.

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